Denise Subaran: A Champion for Westmoreland

Denise Subaran, President Elect for JN Circle Savanna-la-Mar and Whitehouse, knows too well about giving back to her community. The Westmoreland native has big plans to initiate projects that will uplift the communities in the parish.
Some of the projects she will be initiating during her tenure are financial literacy for public sector workers; training for micro and small entrepreneurs through financial institutions, such as JN Bank and providing support with budgeting tips and business plans.
She also pointed out that rainwater harvesting is another important area that she would like to address as the parish experiences fluctuation in rainfall and as such there is the need to harvest water when in abundance.
“My vision is to liaise with JN Foundation to see how best we can educate people about rainwater harvesting in Westmoreland because there are times when we have a lot of rainfall and at other times there is no water,” she informed.
The Manning’s School graduate, who was born in Paul Island, Westmoreland, accredits her parents for the good example and mentorship they provided, which assisted to mold her into the person she is today.
“My parents believed in me from day one, they influenced me, especially my mother, who was always my backbone and ensured that I was focused. When it was GSAT time, she ensured that I studied and did the work; she pushed me a lot and made sure that I was consistent with my studies and encouraged that competitive nature as she always wanted me to excel. My father was also there and would encourage and had high expectations of me, and with the bar set so high, I could not fail,” she informed.
She went on to The University of the West Indies where she completed a bachelor’s degree in Actuarial Science and later on earned a Chartered Banker MBA with distinction from Bangor University in the United Kingdom.
Ms. Subaran holds the position of Team Lead for Restructuring in the Credit Administration Unit at JN Bank, is also the chairman of the JN Group Sports and Social Club and a ONE JN Culture Ambassador. The first and only girl among a sibling of three, she is passionate about young people.
Her advice to young people is: “In a world where social media is prominent and young people being vulnerable, I want to encourage them not to compare their lives to other people, but utilize social media as a force for good,” she said.
She added that young persons should embrace the challenging experiences and use them to learn and grow.
The JN Circle is a global network of JN members and customers who are empowered to work together to improve their communities. The JN Circle has local chapters which are attached to townships and parishes and are mentored by JN employees across the JN Network.