Experts Encourage Parents To Let Children Have A Voice

Kellie-Anne Brown Campbell, licensed Associate School Psychologist and Educator
Kellie-Anne Brown Campbell, licensed Associate School Psychologist and Educator, is advising parents to encourage their children to speak up and let their voices be heard.
Mrs Brown Campbell made the recommendation while addressing the JN Circle SOAR Together Life Class, which was held under the theme, “My Parents Do Not Get It! Exploring The Generation Gap.”
“That was one thing I found, which I have to be constantly reminding myself about. And I’m happy that it came up as a topic, to always remember to ensure that my child has a voice. Not my voice, daddy’s voice, not grandma’s and grandpa’s, but her voice; and it is critical that she knows she can be heard,” Mrs Brown Campbell pointed out.
The educator was also responding to comments made by Rushane, ‘RushCam’ Campbell, content creator and lawyer, who was also a guest on the progamme. Mr Campbell shared that, as a child, he always ensured that his voice was heard.

“You don’t find your voice by being loud. At first, you start with a one word, then you share your opinion; and soon you have a voice which you can share. I recall that when I was in prep school, decisions were being made about me, and I would impose myself and communicate by saying what I would like. I also use to ask questions, and I was comfortable asking questions, because my grandparents and mother facilitated this,” he pointed out.
However, the licensed Associate School Psychologist, cautioned children to be respectful when their voices are being heard.
“If you come loud with ‘guns blazing’, no one will listen to you, and I for one, will not listen to you. It should be done respectfully. No matter the age of your child, it is critical that respect is given; and you are teaching them a big skill by doing so,” she informed.
She also cautioned that parents should not impose themselves on who their child becomes.
“There is this buzz term about ‘conscious parenting,’ day-to-day and the impact you are having because it is so important, that as parents, we are not destroying the soul of our children,” she pointed out.
Phillip Pinnock, Head Grade 11 Coordinator at Jose Marti High School, who was also a guest on the programme, said that effective teachers recognise parenting is a partnership.
The educator said children should be given time to unwind and relax so as to encourage high performance.
“There must be a switch off time, where the home is separated from school. Children need time to switch off, to regain their emotional and psychological strength to recoup,” he said.
Kamala McWhinney, associate clinical psychologist, host and JN Member, in agreement, pointed out that this was good advice.
“Although they are young, it is important for children to have unplugging, especially now, when home and school are the same,” she said.