Managing working from home

Managing working from home

We are in a pandemic. It is a stressful time. Efficiency will look differently than it did before COVID-19. Here are some tips for managing working from home:

  • Try to practice self-compassion especially on the days when you are not your regular productive self. Remember outside of ‘work work’, you are doing a lot more than usual. Cooking around the clock, taking care of your child/children and loved ones around, washing the unending dishes and pots and keeping your mental health in check can leave you exhausted on some days. Celebrate small wins and try again tomorrow. It’s OK to speak up and express that you need more time to finish that task. It won’t always be an easy conversation, but stand up for your mental health.
  • With all that you are managing right now, try to start the day with a plan. Breaking up tasks into small chunks can be very useful for you and for your child/children also. You can try the Pomodoro technique: break up tasks into 25-minute chunks, then take a 3-5 minute break. Use the break to move your body and move from your work space. After four 25-minute slots, take a 15-30 minute break. This can help with feelings of being overwhelmed and can help you to focus.
  • Stick to a routine as much as possible. This can be starting and ending the work day at the same time, breaking for lunch and closing down your laptop etc. when work ends.